Sunday, December 29, 2019

What are the Powers of Congress

Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution specifies the â€Å"expressed† or â€Å"enumerated† powers of Congress. These specific powers form the basis of the American system of â€Å"federalism,† the division and sharing of powers between the central government and the state governments. Key Takeaways Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution grants the U.S. Congress 17 specifically â€Å"enumerated† powers, along  with unspecified â€Å"implied† powers considered â€Å"necessary and proper† to carry out the enumerated powers.Congress also assumes additional lawmaking powers through the â€Å"Commerce Clause† of Article I, Section 8, which grants Congress the power to regulate interstate commerce—business activities â€Å"among the states.†Under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution, all powers not granted to Congress are reserved for the states or the people. The powers of Congress are limited to those specifically listed in Article I, Section 8 and those determined to be â€Å"necessary and proper† to carry out those powers. The Article’s so-called â€Å"necessary and proper† or â€Å"elastic† clause creates the justification for Congress to exercise several â€Å"implied powers,† such as the passage of laws regulating the private possession of firearms. In addition, Article III Section 3 of the Constitution grants Congress the power to assess punishment for the crime of treason, and Article IV Section 3 grants Congress the power to create rules and regulations considered â€Å"needful† in dealing with the U.S. territories or â€Å"other Property belonging to the United States.†Ã‚   Perhaps the most important powers reserved to Congress by Article I, Section 8 are those to create taxes, tariffs and other sources of funds needed to maintain the operations and programs of the federal government and to authorize the expenditure of those funds. In addition to the taxation powers in Article I, the Sixteenth Amendment authorizes Congress to establish and provide for the collection of a national income tax. The power to direct the expenditure of federal funds, known as the â€Å"power of the purse,† is essential to the system of â€Å"checks and balances† by giving the legislative branch great authority over the executive branch, which must ask Congress for all of its funding and approval of the president’s annual federal budget. The Enumerated Powers The complete text of Article I, Section 8 creating the 17 enumerated powers of Congress reads as follows: Article I - The Legislative Branch Section 8 Clause 1: The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts, and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;Clause 2:  To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;  Clause 3: To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;  Clause 4:   To establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;  Clause 5:  To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;  Clause 6:  To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;​Clause 7:  To establish Post Offices and post Roads;  Clause 8:  To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times t o Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;  Clause 9:  To constitute Tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court;  Clause 10:  To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offences against the Law of Nations;  Clause 11:  To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;  Clause 12:  To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;  Clause 13:  To provide and maintain a Navy;  Clause 14:  To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;  Clause 15:  To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;  Clause 16:  To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United Stat es, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;Clause 17:  To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings;   The Implied Powers The final clause of Article I, Section 8—known as the â€Å"Necessary and Proper Clause† is the source  of the implied powers of Congress. Clause 18:  To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof. The Commerce Clause Powers In passing many laws, Congress draws its authority from the â€Å"Commerce Clause† of Article I, Section 8, granting Congress the power to regulate business activities â€Å"among the states.† Over the years, Congress has relied on the Commerce Clause to pass environmental, gun control, and consumer protection laws because many aspects of business require materials and products to cross state lines. However, the scope of the laws passed under the Commerce Clause is not unlimited. Concerned about the rights of the states, the U.S. Supreme Court in recent years has issued rulings limiting the power of Congress to pass legislation under the commerce clause or other powers specifically contained in Article I, Section 8. For example, the Supreme Court has overturned the federal Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 and laws intended to protect abused women on the grounds that such localized police matters should be regulated by the states. Powers Not Specified: The Tenth Amendment All powers not granted to the U.S. Congress by Article I, Section 8 are left to the states. Worried that these limitations to the powers of the federal government were not clearly enough stated in the original Constitution, the First Congress adopted the Tenth Amendment, which clearly states that all powers not granted to the federal government are reserved to the states or the people.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Galileo Galilei The Father Of Modern Science - 751 Words

Galileo Galilei was an Italian scientist who was also an astronomer, mathematician, philosopher, and an inventor. His history was very interesting to learn about as him growing up. For his famous work, he has been known as the â€Å"father of modern science† because of all of his achievements that he has accomplished. During his years, he has discovered many things like facts about the solar system and also invented items that we use today. Ultimately, Galileo Galilei was a successful individual who inspired many people to become just like him. As the scientist of the month, we should have knowledge about him like his birth and death, where did he go school, facts about his family, and his contributions to the science world and to the society.†¦show more content†¦Galileo Galilei also had children of of his own. Galilei met Marina Gamba at some of his trips when he went to Venice. They never got married probably because of financial issues and since Galileo thought th at his kids were going to interfere with his status. He had two daughters named, Virginia and Livia, and also one son named Vincenzo. Virginia and Livia were put into a convent where they became Sister Maria Celeste and Sister Arcangela. While Vincenzo became a fantastic musician, following from the other legacies of Galileo’s family. Furthermore to Galileo Galilei’s contributions, he had many achievements that made his name stand out. In 1609 when he first learned about the existence of spyglass, it caught his attention and made him want to make one of his own. After inventing his own telescope, he located mountains on the moon, the spots on the suns, the rings of Saturn, the phases of Venus, the lunar surfaces, and especially the four moons of Jupiter. At that time, people didn’t believe Galileo because it was hard to prove to them that he really discovered the moons. He then supported his research with evidence and soon scientists named the four moons in honor of him. Galileo never knew that there was another world up above called space. In spite of his contributions to science, astronomy and biology improved more because of his accomplishments. As to the society, Galileo published his own book about his fulfillments andShow MoreRelatedGalileo And The Scientific Revolution1549 Words   |  7 Pag es Quick Facts Name Galileo Occupation Astronomer, Scientist Birth Date February 15, 1564 Death Date January 8, 1642 Did You Know? Galileo supported the Copernican theory, which supports a sun-centered solar system. Did You Know? Galileo was accused twice of heresy by the church for his beliefs. He remained under house arrest the remaining years of his life. Did You Know? 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Research Paradigm to Understand Employee Motivation

Question: Discuss about theResearch Paradigm to Understand Employee Motivation. Answer: Introduction: Business is a complex web of activities performed by different individuals with a set goal for outcome on the subject. The people forms the key to research as they contribute in giving the best of Human Resource practices followed by the business and thus the results received due to those activities. The study undertaken would venture into the need for such employee motivation to understand the need and value of it in the business sphere. Importantly it has been proved that not all are equal and thus the issue of motivation is complex to handle but if it's well executed it has the ability to give business a different outlook altogether. However, every business has its own way of determining the need for employee motivation for the goal achievement for the business. The motivated employees are the one who are at par with the management's expectations to aid the business gain the needed success and height. Further, the profitability, existence and sustainability are also features of employee motivation which helps the business grow and reach the summits it wishes to. Hence the need for employee motivation is a strategic key to a business success, seen from a long and short term perspective. Employee Motivation The employees of todays firm are from a diverse group of people with the changing social balance in the population. Each group has their own preferences and motivations to work and give the best. However, the need for such motivation needs a through insight where the people and their aspirations gets a place of comfort making them happy and contained This is also a good source for new process and systems being implemented which comes from the employees themselves to make the task more easy to perform with precession. Thus innovation and modification are two very dynamic outputs that a motivated employee supplies to the business (Duan, 2011). The business may take them and implement to see the yields and benefits for such doings. The retention problems of the current industries have also been of a deep concern where the motivated employees would like to stay and give their best each day. The other very interesting nature of employee motivation is the elasticity that can be given to the employee for the best interest of the business is the capability to change and take over those tasks which were previously not done. With the growth of technology the manpower need to learn and adapt the changes needed to make the business get an edge over others in the market. Such elasticity of change for the best interest of business where the employee finds their personal growth of knowledge, responsibility, position and rewards would make them very closely related to each process and policy the business adheres to and maintain the same for the best business fame and outcome. It had been so happening in few nations where the policies of taking employees with the decision of change had been blurred making the most of industrial dispute case in such lands as the employees are unsure of the businesses overall motives. The employees are the key stakeholders in the business as they represent the quality, pricing like aspects making the business stronger than their counterparts. The moment the business fails in achieving the consensus with the employees for change the dispute comes in. Thus the best way is to take employees on board while deciding upon some technicalities and changes in technology adopted. If the employees are in line with the management where they too wish to seek a prosperous future in the business gives their own suggestion and implementations details which are necessity for the business to achieve (Goldstein, 2012). Therefore, getting all onboard while taking a decision regarding operations means a greater participation and more ideas generated in the process which turns the events to be further better for the business future than it would had been if done without employee consultation. Employees are the key stakeholders so their words seek a way to ventilate out. The business which gives them this opportunity would definitely perform better than an autocratic management who decides and the rest follows the orders without any questions asked. However, where the people or employees are involved in decision making the inflow of ideas is best suited while the team is in a mode of constant change. Such constant changing mode keeps the employees up-to-date with technologies while also help in keeping their morals high, getting the best of the employees in the process. On the other hand the motivation of employees encompasses a vast range of activities which are both intrinsic and extrinsic, to keep t he advance of business on in a highly competitive market (Eastwood, OÊÂ ¼Connell. and Gardner, 2008). Research Questions The answers that the research wishes to find out through its process are as follows: - How is motivation an important aspect of business growth and development? - What elements of the job motivates them and why? - What aspect does motivation of employee plays in developing a competent business in a competitive business world? Research Paradigm The research to find out the level of motivation among a set of people needs to give a proper research. The framework for the research is developed on the goal of the research and the answers that we seek from such a research idea. The research paradigm can be divided into positivism inspired to its counterpart interpretive research. The positivism is the one which uses the technique of research that would give the clue of how the research would be conducted. As the choice is post-positivism so the research would actively participate in Data collection and interviews to come to a certain conclusion as the result of the research paradigm. However, interpretive research comes with an overall view of the situation and gives a comment on it. It won't be a scientific derivation of the actual events on the ground and is a generalized comment which the researcher finds that "it seems like" conclusion. Such interpretive analysis doesn't go deep into the research or follow a certain framework but holds on to a belief that is observed or seen by them from an overall perspective. Hence the philosophy to measure the motivation among the employees would remain unknown if the research philosophy is not chosen properly. Such analysis would be completely wrong if not chosen with proper in-depth knowledge (Vogel, 2011). The research has to get data and analyze them to find the reality. The reality or the positivism may use the prescribed way of deductive conclusion over inductive conclusion. The deductive conclusions for a research are based on the deduction of the research data both primary and secondary. Based on these data the researcher collects it gives an overview of the subject at hand which along with secondary inputs or those inputs those has already been published is done (Pansari, 2011). A qualitative and quantitative research approach is adopted for the research to get to the conclusion of the findings. The interviews or the qualitative research is as important as the qualitative data which aids to bring the conclusion to a substantial end. The research may include many difficulties like data authentication, interpretation of the qualitative data in a manner that suits the research cause etc. The deductive analysis depends on the data collected which in the later process is matched with previous researches conducted and made from the research (Collis and Hussey, 2013). Hence the selection of the right questions for the right answers on the quantitative scope which uses a Likers scale to gather all the data and present them graphically for the reader to understand why such conclusion is been reached along with qualitative interviews. The qualitative interviews may need people strength of over 50 to 100 so that the right and a broader perspective can be found. The qualitative data is interview based data which are meant for the interviewed person to go out of their way and express things they feel. This may give the research a new way ahead which was previously ignored in the process. The way one summarize the information received through the process is important since it helps the readers to have a well researched conclusion to come to a point where they find the observations true and based on solid research data gathered for the purpose. Thus the use of the data and presentation is an important aspect of suggesting one conclusion as it is the most important source for such derivation (Clark et al., 2009). The paradigm is not restricted to philosophy or reality but on the subject who seeks positivism in its research outcome which is why it was selected in such a manner. Therefore, based on the understanding of research paradigm, the researcher found the post-positivism to be the way forward. Thus with a deductive analysis of the research objectives and questions the research would see its logical end. Conclusions The research questions to determine the employee motivation and business health was analyzed to find out the most suitable way to conduct the research. The post-positivism with a deductive approach was selected to conduct the said research. The utility of this research would give the management an overview of the current state of affairs and thus the way forward. References Clark, R., Estes, F., Middlebrook, R. and Palchesko, A. (2009). Turning research into results: A guide to selecting the right performance solutions.Performance Improvement, 43(2), pp.44-46. Collis, J. and Hussey, R. (2013) Business Research: A Practical Guide for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students. 4th ed. London: Palgrave-MacMillan Duan, L. (2011). Selecting the Right Correlation Measure for Binary Data.SSRN Electronic Journal. Eastwood, G., OÊÂ ¼Connell, B. and Gardner, A. (2008). Selecting the Right Integration of Research Into Practice Strategy.Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 23(3), pp.258-265. Goldstein, H. (2012). Selecting the right mesh.Hernia, 5(3), pp.23-26. Hill, C. (2013).International business. 3rd Ed. Pansari, M. (2011). The strategic teacher: selecting the right research-based strategy for every lesson. Choice Reviews Online, 46(08), pp.46-4582-46-4582. Stones, S. (2010). Turning research into results: a guide to selecting the right performance solutions. Choice Reviews Online, 40(06), pp.40-3504-40-3504. Vogel, J. (2011). Selecting the Right Cro for Your Project.Clinical Research and Regulatory Affairs, 14(3-4), pp.221-230.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

MBA Marketing Management Coca-Cola Company

Question: Doiscuss the activity that correlates the efforts of the employees to achieve the objectives and goals by using all the resources effectively and efficiently. Answer: Management in any organization or business means the activity that correlates the efforts of the employees to achieve the objectives and goals by using all the resources effectively and efficiently. Business Management includes controlling, directing or leading, staffing, organizing and planning a business in such a way that target and goal can have achieved easily from this (Hollensen 2015). Resourcing of a company includes manipulation and deployment of natural resources, technological resources, financial resources, and human resources. Management also means a social science or an academic discipline whose aim is to study the social organization. Unfortunately, there are certain companies where management practices have been criticized in the public places. In this assignment, the author has chosen Coca-Cola Company, which is questionable for low management practices. Coca-Cola is the most famous beverage brand name in the world and one of the most visible companies worldwide. It can excel in all dimensions from the business point of view, as it has tremendous opportunities. The company comprises of two main departments. First, one is corporate department and second one is bottling sector (Philip 2016). However, since last ten years the company is struggling with many ethical issues specially in bottling sector to achieve its financial goal. Now the questionable management practices will be discussed under organizational theory and stewardship. Organizational theory is based on for major prospective which are postmodern perspectives, symbolic interpretive, modern prospective and classical (Gready 2013). Coca-Cola management emphasizes on postmodern and modern perspectives adoption in order to continue the relation with the business environment. According to some researcher, the adoption of the modern prospective have enables mangers of Coca-Cola to pay attention on real market situation based on the theories and concepts. However, the organization has increased its productivity in different geographical operating division after adopting postmodern perspectives and has focused on international and local customer satisfaction. Many external problems have come in the company due to lack of proper organizational perspectives adoption. In US, due to lack of appropriate modernism, the company is facing low share market, as the company is not able to provide the healthy soft drink to the health conscious people. The post modernist s have criticized Coca-Cola due to lack of environmental sustainable activities. Therefore, the adoption of post modernist and modernist prospective will help Coca Cola to increase its productivity level and activities (Mullins et al 2012). Exploration of the organizational Theories: Organizational theories are based on two philosophies, which are, epistemology and ontology. Ontology is defined as identification of truth behind a situation based on its actual origin of the fact. Epistemology is related with the methods applied to find out the truth behind the fact. With the help of the epistemology perspective and ontological perspective, the managers can figure out the organizational complexities. They can deal with these complexities by applying different methods (Wilson and Gilligan 2012). Modernist perspective: The management theories of Weber and Taylor are associated with the modern perspective of organizational theory. According to modernist perspective, the rational modern mind is trained to upgrade. Therefore, after adopting this perspective the organizations will scientifically meet the progress. This perspective includes four care concepts, which are, control of violence, surveillance, industrialism and capitalism (Sheth and Sisodia 2015). The capitalism concerns with the fact that the companies should make competitive productions in such a way that the private ownership will be encouraged. According to industrialism, the organizations should utilize inorganic power sources. Surveillance states the constant supervision and monitoring of workers within the industry should be performed in order to continue smooth workflow. Modernists also prefer to have strong organizational culture where the priority will be provided to organizational interest to the individual interests. Moreover, ac cording to the modernists it is necessary to have an appropriate organizational structure to upgrade the production of the workers (Kotler et al 2014). In the Coca-Cola Company, many issues have arrived in bottling sector. In some case, the bottle exploded spontaneously in the hand. Whereas, in other case the contamination of pesticides had been observed. These are hampering the industrialization, which is a key factor of modernist perspective in organizational theory. Postmodern perspective: The postmodern theory states that the organizations should consist of a set of self-controlled, self-managed and diverse team along with controlling centers to monitor and advice them in need. According to these perspectives, equal rights will be provided to all the employees in the company (Hutt and Speh 2012). The post modernism emphasizes on the need of adopting certain approaches that accelerate positive changes. However, argument has made based on the sole adoption of any organizations post modernism perspective, which will filter the organizations from performing deep research on any external business environment. Moreover, further argument has made on the suggestion of post modernisms, which state that all employees in the organization will be provided with the internal organizational information. This information will help the employees to upgrade their part in the production. It also has drawbacks. Accessing to internal information will give rise to occurrence of insider tra ding. After adopting post modernism, the organizations should make certain changes in branding and concentrate on personalized customer centric approach (Foxall 2014). In Case of Coca Cola Company, it was observed that the labors downed their tools as they were forced to pay the major portion of their medical bill. As postmodern perspective is focusing on the rights of the employees of an organization, so it is a drawback over here. Stewardship: The concept of the Stewardship is related to the nature or ethics. In business, the concept of stewardship is related to the acceptance of certain changes, which will safeguardand shepherdthe values of the company. Recommendations: Leader: How labor satisfaction can be improved? Author: The labor satisfaction can be improved by adopting organizational theory, specially modern and postmodern perspective. Using modern perspective the management needs to understand the problems of the labor. Then the management should switch into postmodern perspective, where the equal rights are provided to the labors. The management always has to remember the fact that labor satisfaction will improve the production (Chan et al 2012). They should also opt for other organizational theory, called motivational theory. Under this theory, the workers will be rewarded for their production and in certain cases; they will be punished for bad work. Adoption of modern and postmodern perspectives will also help in leadership principles. Leader: How the company can get over from environment issue? Author: The main environment issue in this company is water issue. The main source of this company is water As a beverage company. It is very important to pay attention towards the healthcare much needed for customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction will increase the business. It is also important to keep the balance in the ecosystem. Water stewardship is a recommendation, which will help to get over from this issue. Through water stewardship, the company can use the local water, which can be stored by the local communities. Even rainwater, wastewater and ground water can be used after recycling through stewardship (Weinstein and Pohlman 2015). The other environmental issue is contamination. To deal with this issue, the company should make different teams applying modern and postmodern perspective. The team will pay attention on the quality and health care value of the product. This team should make the connection between the management team and the bottling team. It will help to share the problems to each team. Gradually, the environmental issues will be lowered down. References: Chan, H.K., He, H. and Wang, W.Y., 2012. Green marketing and its impact on supply chain management in industrial markets.Industrial Marketing Management,41(4), pp.557-562. Foxall, G., 2014.Strategic Marketing Management (RLE Marketing)(Vol. 3). Routledge. Hollensen, S., 2015.Marketing management: A relationship approach. Pearson Education. Hutt, M. and Speh, T., 2012.Business marketing management: B2B. Cengage Learning. Kotler, P., Keller, K.L., Ancarani, F. and Costabile, M., 2014.Marketing management 14/e. Pearson. Mullins, J., Walker, O.C. and Boyd Jr, H.W., 2012.Marketing management: A strategic decision-making approach. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Philip, K., 2016. Marketing Management-Millennium Edition. Sheth, J.N. and Sisodia, R.S., 2015.Does marketing need reform?: Fresh perspectives on the future. Routledge. Weinstein, A. and Pohlman, R.A., 2015. Customer value: A new paradigm for marketing management. InProceedings of the 1997 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference(pp. 132-133). Springer International Publishing. Wilson, R.M. and Gilligan, C., 2012.Strategic marketing management. Routledge.